"Where photography meets vision and vision meets soul."
Public Debut of New Series ...

As expected with any working artist/photographer, Nancy actively pursues the creation of new art. Though this page usually features un-produced works-in-progress, the ongoing work on her series, "Burning Man Tapestries" is going to see the light of day in a new exhibit showcasing huge prints on fabric at the Winchester Cultural Center in Las Vegas. Partially funded by the Nevada Arts Council, a state agency, and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.
Nearly 2 years of study and development have already gone into this series and it will continue - likely for years to come - as Nancy dives deeper into the thematic and symbolic realms of tapestries, mandelas, reflection and kaleidescope.
Nearly 2 years of study and development have already gone into this series and it will continue - likely for years to come - as Nancy dives deeper into the thematic and symbolic realms of tapestries, mandelas, reflection and kaleidescope.